7-2-1 is the podcast of the Foundation for Women & Girls with Blood Disorders (FWGBD).
Dr. Sweta Gupta has a passion for taking care of young women with bleeding disorders and heavy menstrual bleeding. 7-2-1 tackles some of the most pressing questions about periods and heavy menstrual bleeding faced by both healthcare providers and their patients: What is normal vs. heavy menstrual bleeding? Demystifying IUDS (LARCS). When should I see a specialist about my periods?
Join Dr. Gupta as she engages with the right expert(s) to help answer these questions. Each episode features conversations with leading medical experts, patients, and others who are involved in the field of blood disorders affecting women and girls. “The goal of this podcast is to provide engaging and useful content to healthcare providers, their patients, and others interested in learning more about this topic. The format of a podcast allows us to go more in-depth on these topics that are so critically important to healthcare professionals and our patients,” says Dr. Sweta Gupta, Pediatric Hematologist.
Safe Hormonal Therapy in Thrombosis- One Size Does Not Fit All
As physicians taking care of young girls and women with HMB, we are often faced with a challenging patient who is at a high risk for developing thrombosis due to a family history, a past personal history of thrombosis or medical conditions that could be a trigger for developing blood clots. In this podcast, we will be speaking with our experts on thrombosis and HMB to help us navigate through these difficult decision-making scenarios. We will be referring to certain brand names of hormonal therapies as our listeners are familiar with those rather than the complicated generic nomenclature. We will use gender-neutral language whenever possible, but when discussing the results of clinical studies, we may refer to women or girls because that is the language specifically used by the authors.